"What is urgent is the evangelization of a world that not only does not know the basic aspects of Christian dogma, but in great part has lost even the memory of the cultural elements of Christianity."
Pope John Paul II
Your child is ready to move on to secondary school --- and does not know Who God is, what the Catholic Church is, and why either should have any impact or influence on their lives. Except for their Baptism in Christ and their First (and probably last) Holy Communion --- the significance of which they know nothing --- they are effectively not Catholics. This sounds harsh. It is meant to be. We need to be shaken out of our indifference and awoken from our illusions. Our children --- your children --- do not fully know their Catholic Faith. In fact, most of them do not even know God. And this is not limited to the children. I can always remember a response given by a parent in one of my own children's baptism, when he was asked by the priest as to why the baptism. The parent answered sheepishly, "So my child can worship the saints." Needless to say, the priest was most disappointed and said, "no wonder the Methodists think we worship the saints."
I reproduce this here with no spite (indeed I can't even remember who the parent was) but with the sole intention of asking the parents to reflect on that for a moment. This is the sad and dismal state of Catholic Religious Education today, especially when religious instruction has been taken out from our formal education syllabus. And that is why, as Catholic parents, it is our primary responsibilty to pass on our faith to our own children. And the CCD classes are there to help you - to teach our children the basic teachings of our Catholic faith. These classes are taught to school age children to learn the basic roots of our faith.
With this in mind, the St Mary's Catechetical Committee has decided to set up this blog - specifically for the following purposes:
1. to outline the programme/syllabus to be taught in Sunday Schools for the coming year;
2. to enable parents to interact more with their children's CCD classes teachers in order to check on the progress of their children. The names and email addresses of the respective class teachers and helpers for year 2010 would be posted in this blog;
3. to inform parents of upcoming events/activities involving Sunday school. Photos of any events held would also be posted; and
4. most importantly of all, to enable parents to provide ideas and inspirations on how to make our CCD classes more meaningful and inspiring to our children.
Perhaps, this blog can also provide an avenue for our teenager friends to pose any questions or doubts which they may have in respect of our faith. So parents, as we, the CCD teachers do our part, we hope that you would do your part by enrolling your children in Sunday School next year and to ensure that they attend regularly throughout the whole year.
Thank you.
Irene Chang